Marie-Eve Dandurand

Marie-Eve Dandurand

Real Estate Broker

groupe sutton - performer inc.
  • Phone number: 514.571.9990
  • Office number: 514.426.9595
  • Agency: 514-426-9595
Contact me

Contact Marie-Eve Dandurand

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TOGETHER, we will find your "HOME SWEET HOME" !!!

Together, we will find the Home you've been dreaming off, suiting your needs and where life is at your best expectation to be ...

As your certified real estate broker, I will find you the ideal home, or the perfect buyer, and as soon as possible for the area!

My mission is your future !!!

I promise you my devotion in offering you the best of my professional abilities while giving you peace of mind to conclude your real estate transaction in complete harmony of parts !!! I am your Real Estate Broker for life!!!