Luis Cruz
Residential and commercial real estate broker
- Language(s): French, Portuguese, Spanish, English
- Office number: 514-255-0666
- Agency: 514-255-0666
Your real estate dream is reachable…
what a pleasure it is to help you attain it!
With over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing I have the essential tools and knowledge to help you realize your real estate needs rapidly and efficiently. I am, without a doubt, your best resource in your research for selling, buying, financing or even refinancing a property.
I assure you a courteous and professional service with a strategy tailored specifically to your needs. This way, I ensure our greatest chances of success within the shortest time frame possible. With me as your agent you will smile with the satisfaction that comes from seeing your dreams become a reality. Call me and let us share with your real estate dreams, together we'll make them happen!